What We Tend Will Grow
I have been commissioned to make a piece for the University of Washington Tacoma campus. The committee charged me with making a piece that reflects the community of Tacoma. They want a piece that reflects the ideas of belonging and education.
Watch this VIDEO to learn more!

The first element of the piece is going to be a large round table. The kitchen table is a place for gathering, nourishment, education, challenging dominant narratives, and community organizing especially in Black communities. “Being at the table” is a common phrase for people who are “in the room where it happens,” making decisions. It feels like a good metaphor for the idea of belonging while acknowledging that to be at the table, means that your opinion matters. Under the table, roots will come down from the bowls as the legs of the table. Roots have many connotations and can represent being grounded, staying strong in the face of adversity, knowing where you come from, ancestors, tapping into nutrients, communication, mutual aide, and having a strong base to develop ideas/grow from.
Image: Clay model of the piece.
To deepen and personalize the idea of belonging at the table, the table will reference a seed pod by having inset bowls that contain “seeds.” Seeds and seed pods can represent potential and hope. They can be metaphors for things we want to grow- actions, goals, and aspirations for current/future projects and desires for our community. These seeds will represent the actions, goals and aspirations that participants will make during interactive workshops that I will host at UW T, Evergreen Tacoma, TCC, at the Tacoma Art Museum and in other sites around Tacoma.